华曙欧洲与德国toolcraft AG宣布圆满完成定制工艺研发合作,并将在增材制造量产领域开展新合作

德国斯图加特 — 3D打印创新解决方案供应商华曙高科欧洲子公司与德国精密制造知名企业toolcraft AG近日宣布,双方圆满完成了为期一年的定制材料工艺合作开发协议(JDA)。此次合作双方取得了重要成果,进一步加强了双方的合作伙伴关系。
华曙欧洲与德国toolcraft AG宣布圆满完成定制工艺研发合作,并将在增材制造量产领域开展新合作Toolcraft与华曙欧洲团队在德国Rapidtech 3D展会华曙高科展台前合影(图片来源:toolcraft AG)
华曙欧洲与德国toolcraft AG宣布圆满完成定制工艺研发合作,并将在增材制造量产领域开展新合作Toolcraft与华曙欧洲团队在德国Rapidtech 3D展会Toolcraft展台前合影(图片来源:toolcraft AG)
该合作开发协议专注于以下关键领域:基于华曙高科开源创新的金属增材制造平台FS422M-H-4,成功定制特种铝合金烧结工艺,并集成Siemens NX软件。在过去一年时间里,华曙高科和toolcraft AG紧密合作,圆满完成了开发项目,充分展示了双方对增材制造创新和卓越的共同承诺。
华曙高科欧洲子公司总经理Oliver Li表示:“我们对此次开发合作项目取得的进展和成果非常满意。华曙与toolcraft AG的合作富有成效,在特种材料定制工艺和软件集成方面取得了重大进展,这将使双方公司和整个增材制造行业受益匪浅。我们非常期待在接下来的新项目中与toolcraft AG继续合作,结合双方的增材制造专业知识和共同企业愿景,这无疑将推动增材制造的突破性发展。”
toolcraft AG 执行董事会成员 Christoph Hauck 对此表示赞同:“我们与华曙欧洲子公司的合作取得了巨大成功,我们希望将双方的合作扩展到增材制造批量化生产领域。这项新的合作标志着双方公司开启了全新的篇章,我们将共同努力为客户提供尖端增材制造解决方案。”
华曙欧洲与德国toolcraft AG宣布圆满完成定制工艺研发合作,并将在增材制造量产领域开展新合作
基于合作开发协议的圆满完成,华曙欧洲与toolcraft AG将在增材制造批量化生产方面进行新的合作。下一阶段,将秉承双方在增材制造技术方面的专业知识和优势,推动增材制造创新应用领域的产业化发展。

关于toolcraft AG
toolcraft AG由Bernd Krebs于1989年创立,公司位于德国乔治斯格明德(Georgensgmünd)和斯帕尔特(Spalt),是一家中型家族企业。toolcraft是先进技术的先驱,包括增材制造技术和定制化机器人整体解决方案。作为一家综合解决方案提供商,toolcraft业务涵盖了CNC 加工、增材制造、注塑成型、模具制造的完整工艺链服务——从设计到制造、质量保证到测试。客户包括半导体、航空航天、医疗技术、光学、特种机械制造、赛车运动和汽车行业的市场领导者。此外,与合作伙伴以及大学、其他高等教育机构和研究中心建立密切的工作关系是其企业理念的重要组成部分。

Farsoon Europe GmbH and toolcraft AG Successfully Conclude Joint Development Agreement and Announce New Cooperation on Additive Series Production

Stuttgart, Germany –Farsoon Europe GmbH, a leading innovator in high-tech additive manufacturing systems, and toolcraft AG, a renowned specialist in precision manufacturing, are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of their one-year Joint Development Agreement (JDA). This collaborative effort has culminated in significant advancements and has strengthened the partnership between the two companies.
The JDA focused on several key areas of development: optimizing Farsoon's additive manufacturing machines, developing AlSi10Mg parameters, and integrating Siemens NX software. Over the past year, Farsoon and toolcraft AG have worked closely to achieve these milestones, demonstrating a shared commitment to innovation and excellence in additive manufacturing.
"We are thrilled with the progress and results achieved during this collaboration," said Oliver Li, Managing Director of Farsoon Europe GmbH. "The partnership with toolcraft AG has been incredibly productive, resulting in significant advancements in machine optimization, material parameter development, and software integration that will benefit both our organizations and the industry at large.We look forward to continuing our partnership with toolcraft AG in this new venture,Our combined expertise and shared vision will undoubtedly lead to groundbreaking developments in additive series production."
Christoph Hauck, Member of the Executive Board of toolcraft AG, echoed these sentiments: "Our joint efforts with Farsoon Europe GmbH have been highly successful, and we are eager to expand our collaboration into additive series production. This new cooperation marks an exciting chapter for both companies as we strive to deliver cutting-edge solutions to our customers."
Building on the success of the completed JDA, Farsoon Europe GmbH and toolcraft AG are excited to embark on a new cooperation focused on additive series production. This next phase of collaboration aims to leverage the strengths of both companies in additive manufacturing technologies, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in this innovative field.


华曙欧洲与德国toolcraft AG宣布圆满完成定制工艺研发合作,并将在增材制造量产领域开展新合作

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华曙欧洲与德国toolcraft AG宣布圆满完成定制工艺研发合作,并将在增材制造量产领域开展新合作

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华曙欧洲与德国toolcraft AG宣布圆满完成定制工艺研发合作,并将在增材制造量产领域开展新合作


华曙欧洲与德国toolcraft AG宣布圆满完成定制工艺研发合作,并将在增材制造量产领域开展新合作

原文始发于微信公众号(华曙3D打印):华曙欧洲与德国toolcraft AG宣布圆满完成定制工艺研发合作,并将在增材制造量产领域开展新合作

作者 gan, lanjie